
Get Up and Walk

There are many people who have spent a lifetime using their legs for walking and standing. They may have been in a profession where standing for hours at a time was necessary, or they might have walked wherever they went on a regular basis. Their knees might pay the price as they age, and the pain could make it difficult to walk. The ability to get up and walk may depend upon the relief their doctor can give them with modern medical treatments.

Cartilage between the bones meeting at the knee is generally one reason patients begin experiencing difficulty with walking. They may notice a twinge at times, or they could wake up one day to find it is too painful to stand. They should visit their physician to see exactly what is causing the pain, and then they can discuss treatment options.

Taking pain medication can help, but it is not the only option for many. It can be important to stop the cartilage from deteriorating further. The doctor may suggest a surgical option for some, but an injection to help cushion the area might be another path. It generally depends upon the actual conditions inside the patient’s body to narrow the options to what may work best.

Pain relief is generally part of the doctor’s recommendation, but that is not the only factor. There may be inflammation, so combining a pain reliever with a medication that provides anti-inflammatory relief could be a better option. There are many medicines available today that can perform both of these functions. Some patients will find one more efficacious than any other, but they should be able to get up and walk once their treatments progress far enough to relieve their pain.